Celebrating B Corp Month

March is B Corp Month, and here at Little Soap Company, we’re proud to support this initiative each year. So what’s it all about, and what does being a B Corp brand really mean to us anyway? Read on to find out.

What exactly is a B Corp?

A certified B Corporation is a company that has been verified by B Lab, the nonprofit network that works to transform the global economy. Their goal is to benefit all people, communities and the planet, and their mission has never wavered since 2006- ‘to inspire and to enable people to use business as a force for good.’

Put simply, B Corp is an international network with a common goal, and it spreads across the globe to form the B Global Network- including East Africa, Australia, North and South America and mainland Europe. 

What is a B Corp Brand?

A B Corp brand is a company which has been certified by B Lab. They’re companies that have met the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. 

With over 6,000 B Corp companies in the world, across 159 industries and with over 530,000 workers, B Corp brands span 89 countries, and they are all committed to one common goal: to harness the power of business, to make a positive impact on workers, communities, customers and our planet. 

What is B Corp Month about?

B Corp month takes place every March, and has a different theme each time to help brands raise awareness of the initiatives, and to highlight the great work they’re doing to implement change. 

This year’s theme is ‘We Go Beyond’- aiming to allow brands to demonstrate the ways they routinely go above and beyond, to make a positive mark on the world. How brands are working tirelessly to educate and to raise awareness of the issues that affect us all. This year is a chance for B Corp brands to be loud and proud about the things they do to balance purpose and profit.

What does B Corp Month mean to us?

We earned our B Corp status in 2020, and we’re so incredibly proud of all the hard work and dedication that got us to that point. We’re proud to be a B Corp brand, proud to be part of the movement and proud to be at the forefront of a mission which aims to empower all and to promote change for good. This is why we do what we do. Our recent Impact Report reflects all of this too. Some of our highlights from that report include:

  • We’ve saved two million plastic bottles thanks to our Eco Warrior bar soap
  • We’ve won 69 awards
  • We’ve trained 5000+ in Little Soap Schools
  • Our Eco Bathrooms campaign reached 360,000

And we’ve got more to come. Read the full report to find out what’s next for us!

B Corp Month and its theme, #WeGoBeyond, is pretty significant, especially when you consider the times that we’re currently living in. We know that a lot of brands are realising the importance of transparency, of adopting greener ways to do business- but we also know that there are, sadly, some brands who are simply not doing what they say they are. This makes it hard for consumers to truly know what or who they’re investing their money and loyalty in. 

A recent survey carried out by You Gov revealed that 80% of UK shoppers wanted to buy from companies that are doing good, but only 22% said they were able to tell when a brand was being truthful in its ethical claims. And this is why it’s so important for B Corp brands to get behind this campaign. 

Eco Warrior Soap Dish

Having the B Corp certification shows you, the consumer, that we are indeed telling the truth about what we do. We are a true business for good, and not just for profit. We are going above, each and every day.

We know that times are tough right now. We know that budgets are tight and the cost of living is rising. But our standards are not falling. We want to invest, and spend on good quality products- and this is why B Corp Month is so important, why we will always strive to do our very best for you, our workers and for our planet.


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